Trunk or Treat
The 2021 Annual Festival D'Avion is a celebration of freedom and flight at the Moore County Airport in Carthage, N.C., located just outside Pinehurst, N.C. This year’s event takes place October 29-30, 2021. Saturday’s Festival D’Avion offers a unique collection of special activities, displays, entertainment and food and beverages including TRUNK OR TREAT for the entire family to enjoy. Children of Fallen Heroes (CFH) will host the TRUNK OR TREAT featuring: • Trunk or Treat Activities (Best Costume Contest) • Art for Heroes • Scavenger Hunts • Heroes behind the Flag "Featuring local heroes and historical facts" • Honor Jumps for First Responders and Military Heroes and their families. • Skydiving Demonstrations ☑️ We need help gathering candy and treats for the event. ☑️ "CFH Sponsor Wanted" The sponsor will be featured in all media formats to help cover the cost of the event to bring the community together. With your help, you will be helping make a provide impact for First Responders and Military Heroes including their families. To learn more please contact us. The 6 branches of the Military will be recognized with static aircraft exhibits honoring the men and women who serve and have served in the armed forces.
Volunteers needed for events including sponsorship. Please contact us for more information at